Monday, September 5, 2011

Materials and Concepts: Project 1

Sustainable Design
Designing with materials that are environmentally friendly. A sustainable design should reduce the          consumption of non-renewable resources, create minimum waste, and be healthy and safe for people.

Ceramic Sustainable Design
-combining recycled materials into the clay, such materials used can be: ash, glass, paper, etc.. 
-ceramic glazes that break down nitrous oxide in the presence of sunlight and humidity

Ceramic Artist:
           Jason Clayhaus
           -Graduated from University of Nevada, Las Vegas
           -Initially worked with making molds for architectural building facades and eventually moved onto    
           ceramic tile work
           -Founded Clayhaus Ceramics in Portland, Orgeon 

"The studio is run with 100% renewable energy and other sustainable efforts are made whenever possible. The crackle glazes contain 50% post-consumer recycled bottle glass and every product is made with lead-free materials. Even the shipping cartons and packing materials are made of recycled corrugated paper and cornstarch “peanuts”. Excess clay and glaze are reused and recycled, and seconds and usable broken tiles are donated to local schools’ art programs."


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